Are you looking for a cup of coffee with an exquisite taste experience?
Peet's Coffees has got you covered! Peet's is proud to be amongst the originators of craft coffee and their dedication to creating the perfect cup has set them apart from other brands.
Peet's uses organic and Fair Trade beans that have been carefully selected for their quality and flavor, then hand-roasted to perfection using a unique process. From light roasts to dark roasts, each cup is packed with richness./

Alfred Peet opened the First Peet's Coffee & Tea Store in 1966
Since the first coffeebar Peet's has been dedicated to brewing an excellent cup every time - from their beans to the way they roast them. Beans are sourced from the finest quality farms, selected with deep expertise and decades of experience.
Peet’s Coffee roasts in small batches never letting the complexity and depth of flavors escape while creating a perfect cup that embodies all the richness of imported coffees and a local favorite.

Peet's Coffee roasting process is like no other:
It starts with selecting only the finest organic and Fair Trade beans available on the open market. From there, each batch of beans is roasted by hand in a way that unlocks their unique flavor potential while ensuring an even roast

It concludes with Peet's Coffee tasting experts analyzing the fresh-roasted beans for aroma and taste before sending them off to customers around the world. With such a humane and detailed approach to roasting, you can be sure that each cup of Peet's will bring a satisfying beginning to your day!
Peet's Coffee has an incredible selection of flavors for all types of coffee lovers.
Whether you're a fan of light and smooth roast or prefer something bold and robust, Peet's Coffee has the perfect blend for you!
Each cup is brim-full with deep layers of flavor and a little kick of aroma to tantalize your taste buds.
Peet's can even be the hit at the appetizer table too! Adding it your chicken rub for some amazing party wings or even your salsa to kick up the flavor on your chips are becoming fan favorites on game day.

Is Peet's coffee stronger than Starbucks?
Peet's Coffee is stronger than Starbucks because its beans are roasted more intensely.
When it comes to caffeine, Peet's takes the cake. On average, one 12-ounce cup of brewed Peet's coffee contains 233 milligrams of caffeine while one cup of brewed Starbucks has only 191. That means that ounce per ounce, Peet's is more potent than Starbucks' standard caffeinated blend. But it should be noted that both companies offer a range of different roasts and blends so the caffeine levels can vary significantly from one blend to another.
Why is Peet's coffee so good?
Peet's coffee is unique because it has a slow roasting process that preserves the natural oils and flavors of the beans. Peet’s only sources the highest quality Arabica beans from around the globe so you know you’re getting something special every time. So if strong flavor is your favorite ingredient, then look no further than Peet's!
What is the most popular Peet's coffee?
For coffee connoisseurs, the most popular Peet's coffee is the Major Dickason Blend. This signature blend from Peet's has been a favorite among discerning customers for over 50 years! Since its debut in 1969, this rich, full-bodied blend has won over countless fans with its smooth and balanced notes of dark chocolate, smoky spices and hints of dried fruit.
What company owns Peet's coffee?
Peet's Coffee is owned by one of America’s largest and oldest beverage companies – JAB Holding Company.
JAB Holding Company, founded in Germany back in 1884 and with its current location in Luxembourg, has been investing heavily in coffee-related ventures since 2012. That includes acquisitions such as Keurig Green Mountain Coffee Roasters and Caribou Coffee.
What coffee is comparable to Peets?
When it comes to taste, many say Starbucks is on par with Peet's. Both chains offer a range of lighter and darker roasts.
However, if you're still looking for other alternatives there are plenty of lesser-known coffee brands out there that roast great beans too — even locally sourced ones available at local cafes or farmer markets. Try Something Else Coffee Co., Black Wolf Roasters and Tougo Coffee Co. They all roast small-batch deliciousness that can rival any big chain name!
Is Peet's Coffee Healthy?
You Bet!
We know that coffee can be both a wonderful and challenging beverage to drink, depending on how much of it you consume. Well, fortunately for fans of Peet's Coffee—this popular roaster offers up some of the healthiest java options out there! Featuring organic and sustainably-grown coffees from around the world, what you're getting with each caffeinated sip is plenty of benefits.

Have Fun...Smile...Be Happy! - KDII
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